June 24, 2021 1 min read

Firms are having trouble getting employees back to the office. People have become used to working from home and the convenience that comes along with it.

Only a year ago companies were offering to create office setups at home. Now, just a year later, the trend has reversed; employers are now offering home setups at work to attract people to the office. Many firms are offering traditional perks such as yoga and massages but forward thinking companies are turning more unique ideas, especially for those missing their pets.

Eau De Chien

When we're having a bad day there is nothing more comforting than going downstairs and spending some time with your pet. But for when it's impossible to be with our pets, our team wanted to recreate that feeling. And so our designers spent 6 months developing fragrances that will remind you of your pup no matter where you are.

Introducing Eau De Chien...

Eau De Chien is a scent that makes you feel as though your best friend is sitting right next to you even when they're thousands of miles away. It is difficult to describe the fragrance with words but it's instantly recognisable and calming when you smell it.

Neighbourhood dogs love the fragrance too. Many of our early adopters have said that every dog they pass now wants to say hello. Our perfumers see it as proof that they got the fragrance just right.

We are developing scents for multiple breeds and are close to taking pre-orders for our signature Labrador and Spaniel range. The team will ship our first batch of pre-orders in late November and are currently working to expand the range with Eau de Cheval - expected in Q1 2022.