June 24, 2021 4 min read

They say a photograph is worth a thousand words. Wouldn't you love to see your favorite pal in a custom dog's portrait? A photo of your dog to proudly display in your home adds that missing spark.

dog portrait

Being able to immortalize man's best friend in a painting will give you satisfaction. All of those hues of your pooch's eyes captured by the eye of the artist. The texture of your dog's coat etched into a canvas.

There are many reasons as to why you should have a painting of your favorite pal. Here are 7 of those reasons to have a painting of your dog done.

1. They're Part of the Family 

If you have children you want to capture their sweet smiles. This should be no different for your beloved pet. An artist can put that sparkle in your furry friend's eye. 

Pets are as important as humans. Showcasing their spirit with the perfect colors is something that a painting can do for you. A photograph is a reflection of who your pet is. 

By having a painting of your dog around your home you announce that they're part of the family. It shows that your pet is more than someone who stays in your home rent-free. 

Your pets give you plenty of love and affection. Why not showcase how much your dog means to you? 

2. A Great Conversation Starter

Most people love dogs. If you display your dog in your home, oftentimes it becomes a conversation piece. 

Be prepared to have visitors ask about your pet when they see the photo. It is a great way of discussing your dog and reliving some of your favorite times. 

Your dog will find himself the center of attention. Your friends and family members will reminisce. When it comes to the life of pets, many members of your family will have had special times with your pet. 

What better way of including your pet in discussions? Make that photo a focal point for conversations. Telling stories about your dog will always be a loving time. 

3. Archive Your Favorite Friends 

Unfortunately, the life of your dog is much shorter than it should be. We love our four-legged friends for as long as we are able to. 

By having a photo done of your pet you will always have a keepsake. This means that as you have other pets you always have a reminder of your loved ones. 

A photo will allow you to showcase the dogs who have come before. This Will help you to honor all of your prior pets. Your dogs will always be unique and different. 

Allow all of your previous dogs to be remembered and loved. A photo can showcase how important they have all been. Is there really a better way than a personalized dog portrait? 

4. Personal Art Expression 

Having a painting of your dog is a form of displaying art. Many homes are filled with paintings of the water or trees. Why not add a piece to express your love of your animal? 

A dog portrait painting is an art form that shows off something you love the most. Why not decorate your home with your dog? 

By having a painting of your dog in your home you showcase your personal style. What better way to show off your style than including your dog into the mix. 

Plus, your dog is one of the most lovable things in your home. Who wouldn't want to look at a photo of them? 

5. Leave It to the Professionals 

Another great reason to have a dog portrait drawing - professionals. Sure, your phone snapped photos may be great for showing off to your friends. Why not upgrade that? 

If you're going to hang photos of your pet in your home leave t to the professionals. A professional will capture your pet's best look. They know how to save the moment for you. 

With a professional painting, you don't have to worry about lighting. That half-closed eye and puppy drool won't matter. A professional will create the best image of your pup. 

Keep a photo in your home that you can be proud to show off to all of your visitors. Not one that is hard to see or imperfect. 

6. Pets Love Inclusion

It's no secret that dogs have emotions as well. They know when they're being included in moments and when they aren't. Why not include them in decorating your home. 

Being able to point out the photo and praise your pup is rewarding. The smart and intuitive creatures dogs are will know what you're showing them. 

Most dog owners look for more reasons to see their pet's tails wag. Including your dog's photo within your home adds plenty more moments for praise. 

7. For All of the Memories

A painting can remind you of all the little things you love about your four-legged friend. By having your pets painting in your home you showcase the little moments. 

A painting is a snapshot of some of the very best moments. It represents hours you can spend saying, "Do you remember when?"

Who doesn't want a reason to reminisce all of their pet's best moments. In some cases, they may also be your pet's troublesome moments. 

Having a painting of your pet allows you to capture the memories that will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, our four-legged friend's lifespans are not as long as humans. With a painting, you will always have that special key to remember them with.

A Dog's Portrait Lasts a Lifetime 

There are plenty of reasons why you should buy your dog's portrait. They are conversation starters, memory holders, and even self-expression. 

Showcase your dog inside your home today. Show your human friends and your favorite four-legged ones how much you love them. 

Contact us today for your custom pet portrait!